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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Translated Resources

Corona Virus Update

What is the coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus, officially known as SARS-CoV-2, emerged in Wuhan, China in early December 2019. It has since spread around the world and has infected over 300,000 people as of 23rd March 2020. In many countries, community transmission has caused an explosive spread of the disease, which causes flu or pneumonia like symptoms. In some people, especially younger people, the symptoms are mild or even asymptomatic (no apparent symptoms). In others, especially older people, the symptoms can be more severe. The fatality rate varies from a low of 0.01% in South Korea to 9% in Italy. So far, there have been over 13,000 deaths worldwide.

The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is officially called COVID-19 and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Most countries have now embarked on programmes including border closures, testing, social distancing and isolation, local containment and lockdowns with varying degrees of effectiveness. It is unlikely that a safe vaccine will be available for at least 12 to 18 months.

Where did it come from?

It is still something of a mystery where exactly the novel coronavirus came from. The first human infections were in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It seems that it may have been first linked to people who had visited one of the wild food markets in Wuhan.
It is most likely to have been transmitted from a wild animal to humans because the genetic footprint of the virus is not something that has been recorded before, although it shares much of the genome of other coronaviruses, specifically SARS and MERS. There has been some speculation based on the RNA sequence that it might have originally spread from wild bats to pangolins and then to humans, although other sources cannot be ruled out.

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

The virus is primarily spread through the respiratory system. It attacks the linings of the throat, trachea and lungs. This means that it is most likely transmitted through the air, carried on droplets when someone coughs or breathes heavily, or by physical transmission via hard surfaces and then by hand to the mouth, nose or eyes. It is thought unlikely that the virus lasts longer than about 3 days on hard surfaces and is also unlikely to be transmitted between two people who are a minimum of 2 metres apart.

How to protect yourself from the coronavirus

Up to date information from government health departments and those officials in charge of the national and local coronavirus response should be heeded. At the moment, this response can change quite quickly as the fight against the virus is ramped up. So far, the most effective measures seem to be early testing for the virus, social distancing and social isolation of those who have been thought to have been infected or in contact with infected people.
More drastic measures include border closures, travel restrictions, closures of places where several people might be in close proximity and lockdowns which prevent any kind of movement except for essentials outside of the home.
Individuals can help by keeping their distance from others, especially older or more vulnerable people, restricting movements or congregating in places like pubs, bars, restaurants and other public places , avoiding physical contact with others, as well as taking basic hygiene seriously especially washing hands scrupulously with soap and water or hand sanitiser and avoiding touching the face.

What should you do if you have symptoms?

Symptoms include fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath and a sore throat. These symptoms are similar to other illnesses like the flu and pneumonia. If you are experiencing symptoms, it may not be due to SARS-Cov-2. If you start to experience any of the above symptoms, it is best to go home, stay isolated and ring your doctor or government healthline for advice. Those who show symptoms should be tested by government health workers and remain isolated until the all clear is given.
If you have developed COVID-19, then it should show up within 3 to 12 days of infection. It should take two weeks before you are then free of the disease, although your health service should test you again to make sure you are free of the virus before advising you to leave your home. If you experience severe symptoms, you may be hospitalised. There is no cure at present for COVID-19, but most people will recover even if the experience is not pleasant. Severely affected patients may need respiratory support and medication.

Who are Medtrans?

Medtrans is a leading provider of specialist medical translation, with over a decade of experience delivering quality translation solutions to the medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary industries. We understand the unique challenges of the medical translation industry, placing accuracy, expertise and confidentiality at the heart of our services.
Our certified translators are fluent in the complex language of medicine, and are qualified subject-matter experts in a range of disciplines, from clinical research to veterinary science. With a large team, we cover more than 130 languages, and can collaborate to translate your medical documentation under even the tightest of deadlines.

Links to Translated Australian State and Federal Health Resources

Department of Health translated coronavirus resources –
Coronavirus resources – Australian Dept of Health
The NSW Government’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) including translated resources
Victoria Government Coronavirus Information translated resources
Queensland Government Coronavirus Information translated resources
South Australian Government Coronavirus Information resources
West Australian Government Coronavirus resources including translated web pages

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