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Medical Document Translation

Translation Plays a Key Role in the Medical Industry

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Medical translation services who undertake medical reports translation can’t afford to make mistakes as there is too much at stake if those who need the translation fail to understand it or misunderstand it. A medical reports translation if not done well can create the wrong image of what the report is all about. Apart from medical reports, there are many other different types of translations required in the medical industry. Read More

Cheap translation services - Quality of translation

Healthcare Language Services: Don’t Use The Cheapest!

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In many countries around the world, there has been an increase in immigration of speakers of languages that are not spoken in their host country. This has placed tremendous pressure on both healthcare professionals and patients who in many situations need to be able to communicate effectively to ensure no misunderstandings take place. In the United States alone the number of speakers of a language that’s not English has increased markedly over the last 20 years to about 47 million people.   Read More

Quality Of Translation Be Measured Using Numbers

Can The Quality Of Translation Be Measured Using Numbers?

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Most translation services wholeheartedly agree that translation quality can be measured to some extent by counting the errors found in the translation. Of course, some mistakes are more serious than others, so this makes it more difficult to assess the quality of translation just based on mistakes alone. One way to make counting the number of errors more scientific is to allocate a grading of the errors for each translation. Read More

Video Conferencing

Medical Interpreting is Moving into Video Conferencing

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The medical field is one that has a reputation for taking on new technology when it becomes available. This benefits both the health professionals and the patients they treat. One of the newest types of technology to become available is a video remote interpreting (VRI) service. It allows non-English-speaking people who find themselves in need of medical help a better chance of communicating effectively and accurately as quickly as possible. Read More