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Medical Terminology Affects Patient Care

How Medical Terminology Affects Patient Care

By General, Translation Tips No Comments

Like any country with its own language, the medical field has its own too. This is so communication between medical professionals can take place quickly and efficiently without the need for too much explanation. It’s a specific language that is not just used by nurses, doctors and other people who are actively involved in the medical arena but it is important for all other people in the medical industry, such as pharmacists and dentists. Its use can have a significant impact on ensuring the best patient care. Read More

CE Marking and What Are Its Effects On Translation

What Is CE Marking and What Are Its Effects On Translation?

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The European market is vital for most companies selling medical products. These markets assess the quality of the products they buy by insisting that companies which market them have a ”CE” marking. This is important for all distributors, manufacturers and importers which trade on European markets. It is compulsory to have a CE marking on many non-food products which are listed in the CE Directive. This CE marking guarantees that the product complies with regulations set by the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area or EEA. Read More

Cultural Mistakes

How to Avoid Cultural Mistakes in Localization

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Localization goes a step further than translation when it comes to promoting a product. It’s a translation which considers the way the audience in the targeted country thinks, acts and talks. It also adapts the translation to local customs, laws, traditions and beliefs. There is no special code that needs to be followed but the success of localization depends on the cultural knowledge that’s portrayed in the translation.

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Automated Translation

Why You Should Avoid Automated Translation?

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In recent years the development of automated language has moved forward in leaps and bounds. Technology companies have created an almost seamless connection between machines and humans. However, even if these may be seen as advances, when it comes to the end product of translation automation it’s clear that there is no technology yet available that fully replaces a human translator. Read More